
Tickets on the spot will be sold, but until the capacity of the hall is filled. In case the capacity is filled, the organizer reserves the right to stop sales on the spot for the day in question.

Only a ticket purchased online guarantees you access to the exhibition!




360 BGN

The package includes: Master class or seminar - 4 types to choose from the possible ones

VIP Package will be on sale until November 30, 2023


The package gives access to all three days of the exhibition

2 in 1

2 in 1

190 BGN

The package includes: Seminar: Promote Wine Tourism from the Winery to the Whole Country – Case Study: Catalonia and Seminar: Digital Marketing and Wine: How to Sell Better

Package 2 in 1 will be on sale until November 30, 2023


The package gives access to all three days of the exhibition

2 in 1
Package Morning Sessions

Package Morning Sessions

160 BGN

Пакетът включва: Семинар: Насърчаване на винения туризъм от избата в цялата страна – Казус: Каталуния и Семинар: Дигитален маркетинг и вино: Как да продаваме по-успешно

Package Morning Sessions will be on sale until November 30, 2023


The package gives access to all three days of the exhibition

Package Morning Sessions




A ticket for the Master Class gives you access to all three days of DiVino.Taste. You do not need to buy a separate ticket for entry.

1 day ticket (Friday or Sunday)

1 day ticket (Friday or Sunday)

25 BGN

The ticket is valid for a one-day visit on Friday 11/11/2022 or Sunday 11/13/2022.

1 day ticket (Friday or Sunday)
1 day ticket

1 day ticket

30 BGN

The ticket is valid for a one-day visit on each of the three days.

1 day ticket
2 days ticket

2 days ticket

40 BGN

The ticket is valid for visits on two of the three days of your choice.

2 days ticket

Coming soon


The Unknown Extra Virgin Olive Oil

The Unknown Extra Virgin Olive Oil

90 BGN

Speaker: Kostas Liris

buy ticket

The master class ticket gives access to all three days of the exhibition

The Unknown Extra Virgin Olive Oil
The Big Orange.

The Big Orange.

150 BGN

Speakers: Yana Petkova & Irina Sofranova

buy ticket

The master class ticket gives access to all three days of the exhibition

The Big Orange.
Renaissance of Georgian Vine and Wine Culture

Renaissance of Georgian Vine and Wine Culture

120 BGN

Speaker: Maka Tarashvili

buy ticket

The master class ticket gives access to all three days of the exhibition

Renaissance of Georgian Vine and Wine Culture